
Fishing With Autopilot

We had fished all day, and spirits were high. Tuna filled the fish lockers. But as the sun sank, dense fog swept across the water.

Now it was dark and foggy, and we could not see beyond the bowsprit. Forty miles of ocean lay between us the closest port.

Thankfully, we had two vital pieces of electronics working in our favor: radar and autopilot. Most anglers recognize the importance of marine radar at night or in fog, but autopilot becomes indispensable when visibility is obliterated.

It would have been impossible for any helmsman to maintain a course under such conditions, particularly at the slower speed deemed prudent during limited visibility. So, I put the boat on a slow cruise and let the ­autopilot stay the heading while I kept an eye on the radar and chart plotter and listened for the sound of other vessels, aids to navigation and breaking water. It took longer than usual, but we made it home safely.

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Watch for our Autopilot Video Coming Soon

For more useful information about marine electronics products, how to use them and how to get the most from them, contact the experts at The GPS Store, Inc. at (800) 477-2611 or visit online at www.TheGPSStore.com.

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