Get a new perspective on navigation with BlueChart g3 marine cartography. This newly designed map data provides even more detail, dimension and graphical sophistication to a well-proven benchmark of marine navigation.

Please note, Garmin G3 and G3 Vision Charts are NOT compatible with any unit pre-programmed with GN+ Charting, Please see Garmin Navionics Plus and Garmin Navionics Vision Plus Charts for units preloaded with GN+ charts.
Featuring crisp labeling and an overall smoother presentation on your chartplotter display, the new generation of BlueChart g3 has numerous improvements to assist in marine navigation. In addition to the basic charts, tidal stations, currents, depth contours, IALA symbols, and included fishing charts, BlueChart g3 offers improved transitioning between zoom levels and more seamless continuity across chart boundaries.
BlueChart g3 also adds Safety Depth settings to let users select up to five values for specific depth contour intervals. And the fishing charts are designed to emphasize bathymetric contours with less visual clutter on the display. There’s also a choice of standard 2D direct overhead or 3D “over the bow” map perspective views to make chart reading and orientation easier.